Monday, September 21, 2009

New Blog Editor

Kenning Through Astronomy Divine has a new editor. It is our very own Anna. Doesn't she look cute in her "anti-abrasive" get-up? It seems that she is allergic to Silicon Carbide. She gets all itchy, pink and splotchy whenever we grind on the mirror. So rather than torture her, we have decided to make her editor-in-chief.

It should be easy for her to take over. As a teenage girl, she has a natural pre-disposition to "run the show." Peter will be explaining to her what we have done each step along the way and she will post explaining to all of our dear friends what we are doing.

It should be fun.

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Naming a Blog

Choosing a name for a blog is very difficult and fraught with dangers, but in consulting with Mary Kathryn, my dear bride, we decided on "Kenning through Astronomy Divine."

The name comes from Meditation 6 by Edward Taylor, a New England Puritan, pastor, and physician. Every week he walked hunderds of miles to tend to his flock and care for the sick, and he still had time to be a prolific writer.

About Our Project

In 1978, when I was 12, I bought a book on telescope making at Davis Planetarium in Jackson, MS. It started me on a quest to grind my own telescope mirror. Two years later I order a 6 inch mirror blank and abrasives from Edmund's Scientific only to be crushed when the blank arrived without the abrasives. Edmund's had stopped carrying them. Over the next 30 years, I had thought about grinding that mirror that I had been carrying around for so long. Now as part of a homeschool Astronomy class with my children, we will complete a project 32 years in the making. I hope you all enjoy following our progress in this. We hope that it culminates in February or March with a West Virginia Star Party that will include some of my nieces and nephews.
